anothermoronintransition: foxnewsfuckfest: cognitivedissonance: This is my new favorite genre of disappointed Trump voter. Meet the Trump voter taking it in the teeth at tax time. How unsurprising “Fuck you, got mine” becomes a simple “fuck you” in a flash… I love this song.

McDonald’s loses EU trademark battle over the Big Mac. Burger King starts trolling them.

confused-robot-cat: catchymemes: The full story: There is an Irish restaurant chain called Supermacs that has opnened around 100 stores in Ireland since 1978.  Recently, McDonald’s decided that this small restaurant chain that hasn’t even made it out of Ireland needed to be taught a lesson, and sued them on the basis that “Supermacs” infringes on the “Big […]

jasminethegothbunny: deadddeviant: kemonododo: isaroseh: the-sprock: friendly-neighborhood-ehrhardt: gaypussyretard: this image actually makes complete sense & that is a fucking trip & a half. You can take it back even further to the Archudke’s assassin just bumping into him deciding to get a sandwich. One man’s need for lunch 100 years ago gave rise to tentacle porn […]