
The Final Season of Star vs. begins in less than a day.

Things will happen. We may not like that things happen. We might even be angry if things happen too far.

But please, if the events of the final season got you worked up, take a break from it. Work things out.

The show has wrapped production and the cast and crew have moved on. Complaining to or swearing at them about how your best ship isn’t working out, or why Brittany isn’t making an appearance anymore to have a shot at Marco, won’t get you anything at this point. The show is done.

If you really need to rant, complain, or list 10 reasons why Toffee should be the magical girl instead of Star, pen it down and post it online. Write a fanfic, draw, give the show a better ending. Tell your friends about it. But don’t demand things from Disney or their staff. Don’t be mean. Don’t insult their hard work.

Don’t let a show run/ruin your life.

The show’s ending is hard to deal with, like with any show. But then it makes way for something new, something better, for Disney to can after 2 seasons.

Thank you @daronnefcy.

Hey, guess what. Things happened. Let’s run by this again, shall we?