



Someone: Why does Remoraid, a fish, evolve into Octillery, and octopus?

Pokemon nerd: In addition to both being based on projectile weapons (a gun and a cannon, respectively), Remoraid and Octillery are both based on aquatic animals with suction cups, thematically tying them together

Someone: Why does the skinny, snakelike Dragonair turn into Dragonite, a larger dragon with limbs?

Pokemon nerd: It’s based off a Korean legend about a serpentine creature that can become a true dragon over time.

Someone: Why does Exeggcute, six eggs, evolve into Exeggcutor, a palm tree with three coconuts?

Pokemon nerd:

exeggcute turns into exeggutor because it aspired to be the best pokemon ever and it succeeded

I can’t find the original post, sadly, but I did find the images! Exeggcute aren’t eggs.. They’re seeds!