













My 7 year old son was shot down by his 1st grade teacher

is this to kill a mockingbird

this is literally to kill a mockingbird right here

once again, showing us that school is only about following directions and passing, and not about learning

Story time!!! When I was in kindergarten, I had a calendar thingy that said the names of the months in cursive. I thought that looked cool, so I decided to teach it to myself. I got most of the letters right except for the ‘s’, which I literally drew triangles for. I wrote my name on my paper at school, not even one that was to be turned in and graded, it was on a picture I colored. My teacher looked over my shoulder and was like ‘you can’t write cursive yet. You’ll learn that in third grade. You’re doing it wrong anyway.’ Literally instead of taking 1 minute to teach me how to do it correctly, she told me not to do it.

Also, one time in 4th grade I said something about negative numbers and my teacher flat-out told me negative numbers don’t exist. And yelled at me for confusing the other kids. I kept my mouth shut during math after that

In first grade, my teacher didn’t believe that I could read, she thought I was just “decoding” the sounds of the letters and I didn’t actually know what the words meant. So she would send me home with these little books about helicopters or other random shit and then have me write what they were about to like prove to her that I could read or something. Even the principal was on her side. My mom was super pissed and the next year I switched schools. Fuck teachers who think that six year old girls can’t read. I’m almost completely convinced that she wouldn’t have done the same thing to a six year old boy.

I started learning to read in pre-k and was above my age in reading level (you know those kids books that say the reading level on them or whatever) , and apparently on like, the third day of kindergarten I came home crying because my teacher said it would be weird for a kindergarten girl to be reading above a certain level. I came home crying and said I don’t wanna read those books anymore because I don’t want to be weird

My 3rd grade reading teacher BANNED me from going to the library because I “wasn’t reading my books”. She would make me wait for the days in which our class would go all together. I’m a very fast reader and currently go to the library at my school almost every day.

I took Spanish one at my old school and then moved schools, forcing me to retake the class. This wasn’t so bad, but when I started using verbs we hadn’t learned yet my teacher told me that I wasn’t allowed to speak Spanish anymore during class. No Spanish in my freaking Spanish class.

In seventh grade I was told to use “simpler vocabulary” because my teacher was under the impression that the language I used in my paper would be “to difficult for the other kids to understand”. Essentially she told me to dumb down my work.

When we were doing electricity at primary school we were looking at the strength of batteries and how it affected light bulb brightness, so I asked if I could turn it off to save the batteries and my teacher said “you can’t save batteries, you have to use a switch” and when I suggested taking the wires off them when they weren’t being used I was sent to the headteacher.

I later asked when we would be using switches, so I could turn them off and save batteries, I was told “switches are too complicated for children your age” so instead of helping anyone I flicked the lights on and off until she sent me out again.

in college my sister had to type a really long essay and she put so much effort into hand writing it and the teacher took off marks because she was supposed to type it

Most of my college professors will flat out refuse to accept papers that are hand written. Then they deduct points when you have to go home and type it, making it “late.”

 ^ why education is bullshit
not to mention this one wasnt even american this was in canada thats some fucekd up shit im disappointed